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  1. The Wiki Contest will be conducted entirely online.
    1. This Wiki Contest covers the following Wikimedia platforms: Wikipedia and Wikidata.
  2. Participations can be made in all languages available in Wikidata.
  3. The Wikicontest is open to young people aged 18-35 of all nationalities.
    1. Proof of age will be required only to receive prizes.
  4. The contest will focus on editing “People” (or “Humans”) and “Organizations” pages in Wikidata, modelled according to the Wikiproject: Human Rights, focusing on Digital Rights, Youth Rights and Youth Activism on Digital Rights.

How to participate


  1. Every participant must create a Wikimedia account (or a separate account on Wikipedia and Wikidata) and register via the specific form: https://bit.ly/registration_WikiYouth 
    1. In the specific registration form, participants should clarify their usernames in the Wikimedia platform.
  2. Participants must register their contributions by connecting themselves to the WikiYouth Dashboard (password/access code: xqfsvzwh). Here is a guide on how to use it.
    1. Every participant who registers in Wikimedia shall permit "Wikimedia's Programs & Events Dashboard" to track the contributions on Wikidata.
  3. All personal data collected will solely be used for preparation and execution purposes of the Wikicontest, such as identifying participants and sending them relevant e-mails specifically about the project.
  4. All participants should attend the introductory webinar on November 13, 14:00 UTC, to learn how to edit Wikidata pages effectively. Those who can not participate at this time need to let the organizers know previously and will receive a link with the recording after the Webinar. Participants can also check available tutorials here:
    1. https://www.ed.ac.uk/information-services/help-consultancy/is-skills/wikimedia/wikidata/editing-wikidata
    2. [Video] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=645bk8HQ4aw
    3. Wikidata FAQ: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Help:FAQ



    1. Evaluation criteria will be quantitative, meaning that the person with the most contributions to Wikidata pages will win.
      1. However, there are some eliminatory criteria:
        1. Compliance to Wikimedia standards, especially concerning human rights and non-discriminatory content;
        2. Correction or updates made on at least one existing page; 
        3. The integrity and veracity of the information added;
        4. Contributions must be connected with Internet Governance and Digital Rights, and at least one of them should relate to Youth;
  • Automated contributions or massively repeated edits are prohibited.
  • Editors who are also editing other pages non-related to this Contest during the Contest's time frames specified in those Rules will be eliminated from the competition.



  1. Prizes are gift cards from Amazon, Apple, or Google, accumulating to the amount of EUR 430,00 (four hundred and thirty euros), divided in the following way:
    1. 1 - EUR 100,00 - first place;
    2. 2 - EUR 70,00 - second place
    3. 3 - EUR 40,00 - third place;
    4. 4 - EUR 20,00 - fourth place;
    5. 5-8 - EUR 10,00 - fifth to eight place;
    6. 9-20 - EUR 5,00 - consolation prize to substantial participation.
  2. The final list of winners will be announced during the IGF Youth Summit 2021, and prize winners will be contacted by the organization to receive their gift cards.
    1. It is not permitted to receive the prize in currency, just in gift cards.
    2. Winners can decide which gift cards they will prefer and how they will receive them. They also have the possibility to send the card to a friend or convert it to a charity of their choosing.
    3. Winners have a deadline of one week after they are announced to claim their prize and another week to provide the means of receiving the award (for example by email). 

If winners do not answer our contact through an e-mail or any other informed means of communication, the amount corresponding to their prize will be returned to Wikimedia.


Deadlines and important dates:

  1. Applications will be accepted from November 03 to November 13.
  2. Introductory webinars will happen on November 13.
    1. The exact hour will be informed through info@youthsig.org  e-mail to registered participants.
  3. Valid contributions can be made from 00:01 AM of November 14 until 23:59 PM of November 27 (UTC).
  4. Contributions will be evaluated by the organization and results will be announced during the IGF Youth Summit 2021, which will be also transmitted online.


General remarks

  1. Any necessary subsequent changes to these rules will be communicated to participants by e-mail.
  2. All situations not foreseen in these rules will be solved by the Youth Summit organization upon consultation or ex officio.
    1. These solutions must be decided necessarily under principles of neutrality and non-personality, with members declaring themselves impeded if there is a conflict of interest in the specific case.

If you have an inquiry and it is not answered here, please send us a message to info@youthsig.org 

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