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It is under development – if in doubt, email SKN.chemikow@polsl.pl

Of course. You can be a member of all sections or a section of your choice at the same time – the minimum is 1 section.

Yes! The completed declaration should be sent to the following e-mail address: SKN.chemikow@polsl.pl by e-mail from the domain of the Silesian University of Technology. After sending the declaration electronically, it should be delivered immediately to the carer or member of the Management of Association. Information about the caretakersrooms can be found in the tab “Supervisors and Managment of the Society”

The declaration can be submitted to any supervisor and members of the Managment of the Society. Information about the supervisors rooms can be found in the tab “Supervisor and Managment of the Society”

Yes, in agreement with an employee of the Chemistry Department. Such a topic should be reported to one of the Society’s Supervisors.

It is under development – if in doubt, email SKN.chemikow@polsl.pl

The completed and signed card should be submitted to the Coordinator for Research Section (Maciej Gdala) or to one of the Society’s supervisor.

Yes, once a semester, the Coordinator of Research Section collects work reports. The date and method of delivery of the report will be stated on Our website and on the Facebook group.

Of course! You will find all the information about affiliation here

On our website in the tabNewsand on our Facebook pagehttps://www.facebook.com/SKNCh

All absences please send to the e-mail address: sknch.chemikow@polsl.pl

Absence must be justified up to 7 days from the date of the general meeting.

Unjustified absence results in disqualification from the Society.

On our website in the tabNewsand on our Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SKNCh

Please report all absences to the following email address: SKN.chemikow@polsl.pl

Absence must be excused within 7 days of the general meeting.

Failure to justify an absence will result in termination of membership of the Society.

On the main website in the ‘News’ section and on our social media.

They are not, but we will be very happy if you broaden your horizons 🙂

You can contact the supervisors or the Coordinator for the Popular Science Section (Kacper Gall).

You can also join the group on Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/185953924901735

Of course! You can join the general section, which deals with website management, popularization of the Society and many technical activities. For more information, please contact the Chairman of the Society (Mateusz Pilszek) or the Deputy (Filip Wojtas).

Yes! All members are encouraged to join. On our group you will find a lot of information about lectures, meetings and useful news. Link to grouphttps://www.facebook.com/groups/157818667596723

Of course! There are ongoing posts there with links to our articles from the life of the society and beyond! https://www.facebook.com/SKNCh

Of course it is! Only currently enrolled Society members have access. If you are one and do not yet have access – please contact us via email: SKN.chemikow@polsl.pl. If you have access, please keep the link

Of course! On our Instagram you will find latest reports from our activities. Link to Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sknch.polsl/

Yes! Take a look at our video reports from various events: https://www.youtube.com/@SKNChPolsl

Dont worry we are at your disposal and will answer all your questions by e-mail: sknch.chemikow@polsl.pl 🙂

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