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Training program

The first edition of the INTRAGEN school, International Interdisciplinary Winter School, took place between 1st and 10th of February 2023 in Gliwice, Poland. During 10 days of intensive training program 30 participants affiliated to universities in 7 countries attended 60 hours of lectures, workshops, lab exercises and study visits. Rich training program focused on Energy Management in Sustainable Public Space was supported by classes on Polish culture and language, industrial visits and social activities.

The training program has been taught by 15 teachers affiliated to Silesian University of Technology and 2 affiliated to foreign universities in Estonia and Germany. Regular lectures were supported by workshops (e.g. on architecture and modern materials) and study visits (e.g. in the Arena entertainment hall). Classes focused on Polish culture and language were supported by visit in the Teatr Rozrywki and attendance to a show related to New Year celebration. Industrial part of the school was realized by a visit in Nexteer Automotive in neighbor town Tychy. Visit to the production line was the most important part of the visit. Social part included visit to the brewery museum in Tychy and Jewish Remembrance House and Radio tower in Gliwice. Finally, “must to see at Silesia” visit in Guido Coal Mine in Zabrze was considered as a mix of industrial, historical and social visit.

Having good memories and very positive experience from this edition Organizing Team would like to thank once more to Participants for their time, involvement and creation of very positive, friendly and warm atmosphere during the school.










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