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School goals

The School main goal is to increase the interest of PhD students in an interdisciplinary approach to shaping public space, taking into account the possibility of prosumer electricity management, and thus becoming part of the modern energy transformation. An additional goal is to increase the internationalization of participants, establish new contacts and create a cooperation networks. Another goal is to improve the research workshop of doctoral students through contacts with new lecturers, visits to unique research laboratories and study visits to enterprises.

Training topics and structure

The leading topic of the School are intelligent materials and advanced material technologies in prosumer energy. The training program within the School will cover several thematic areas, the most important of which are: photovoltaic structures, fuel cells, energy conversion issues, especially in the field of fuel cells, functional applications of materials of the future, new low-loss conductive materials for electrical engineering, but also issues related to with the functioning of smart urban space, i.e. architectural issues, issues in the field of safety of urban space operation. The basic training program (substantive) will be supplemented with a program of activities popularizing Polish culture, promoting the university, the Silesian region and Poland in the context of their attractiveness as places to develop science, professional and scientific careers.

Results recognition and benefits

Participation in the School will be confirmed by an appropriate Certificate containing information on the basic content and their time dimension, achieved learning outcomes and the corresponding equivalent of ECTS points. An additional benefit will, of course, be the aforementioned opportunities to develop soft skills and establish new international contacts.

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Fundusze Europejskie
Fundusze Europejskie
Fundusze Europejskie