Author: Aleksandra Wojaczek     Published At: 08.04.2021

The panel summarising the 5th edition of the competition for "Individual Study Programmes conducted according to Project Based Learning method"

On 13 April at 3:00 p.m., a meeting summarising the 5th edition of the competition for "Individual Study Programmes conducted according to Project Based Learning method" will be held within the project "the Silesian University of Technology as a Centre for Modern Education based on Research and Innovation" co-financed by the EU from the European Social Fund.

The event is organised as part of the PM NIGHTS 2021 Conference "Quality - the road to excellence" organised by the SOLVER Project Management Association operating at the Faculty of Organisation and Management at the Silesian University of Technology.


During the first part of the meeting - from 3:00 to 3:15 p.m. - a joint summary session will be held. From 3:20 to 5:00 p.m. the four thematic sessions will take place. During these sessions each PBL group will present the results of their work. The summary of the entire event and presentation of other possible forms of support from the Project will constitute the final part of the panel - from 5:15 to 5:30 p.m.


The panel will present the results of students’ works who conducted Individual Study Programmes (ISPs) according to PBL method in the winter semester 2020/2021. A total of 31 interdisciplinary projects from different faculties of the University were qualified for the 5th edition of the competition. The students conducted their work under the guidance of a main supervisor and two assistant supervisors who are research and teaching staff of many different units at the Silesian University of Technology. The teams' projects were also supported by external experts representing socio-economic institutions and internal experts who were our University employees.

The panel will be held via the Zoom platform. Links and meeting IDs are provided in the schedule available on the Distance Learning Platform and on the PM Nights 2020 conference website.

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