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On 1 March 2024, the members of our Circle were invited by prof. PhD Anna Chrobok at the conference "PROJEKT POLITECHNIKA". As part of this event, we were asked to prepare a large-scale show, which was quite a challenge... This attempt was undertaken by: Eng. Agnieszka Kicińska, Mateusz Pilszek and PhD Eng. Anna Byczek-Wyrostek.

During the show we showed "traffic lights", the Briggs-Rucher reaction, the "burning wave" and the famous "locomotive". In addition, we asked the audience questions about our experiments - a pleasant surprise was certainly the knowledge of the color of indigo by the male part of the audience. In our opinion it was very nice and we recommend it for the future 🙂 - comment the students.

Below we present photos from our show, made by Maciej Muszwil, which were also used in the article. We invite you to watch 😉

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