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On 12 November 2023, our delegation consisting of Mateusz Pilszek, Filip Wojtas, Agnieszka Kicińska, Hubert Knap, Anna Longosz, Julia Borda and Mgr Eng. Anna Byczek-Wyrostek went to conquer the stars to the Gliwice Arena, where the event "They stopped the Sun, they moved the Earth. Center for Open Education." The event itself was free and available to everyone - small and large.

Within our stand it was possible to produce anti-gravity glut in various colors and even with glitter glitter like stars. Besides, thanks to Philip's space expedition, extraterrestrial minerals could be seen under a microscope. To make matters worse, our tubes under the influence of UV light shone like asteroids, and the flame of the torch often took on the colors of the starry sky. Let's not forget about our space locomotive 😉

We invite you to our photo report - we caught some stars from the sky, especially for you! https://portal.polsl.pl/sknch/fotoreportaze/wstrzymali_slonce_ruszyli_ziemie/

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Fundusze Europejskie
Fundusze Europejskie