A A+ A++

Supervisors of Society:

Main Supervisor
PhD Maciej Sowa

Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Analitycal Chemistry and Electrochemistry
E-mail: maciej.sowa@polsl.pl
Phone: +48 32 237 20 91
Silesian University of Technology
ul. B. Krzywoustego 6/ p.133
44-100 Gliwice

Deputy of Main Supervisor and Supervisor of Popular Science Section
PhD Anna Byczek-Wyrostek

Biotechnology Center
E-mail: anna.byczek-wyrostek@polsl.pl
Phone: +48 32 400 30 90
Silesian University of Technology
ul. B. Krzywoustego 8/ p.2.12 (second floor)
44-100 Gliwice

Supervisor of Research Section - actually on maternity leave
Msc Anna Blacha

E-mail: anna.blacha@polsl.pl
Silesian University of Technology
ul. B. Krzywoustego 4/lab H2
44-100 Gliwice

Managment of Society:

Chairman of the Society
Mateusz Pilszek

E-mail: mp301149@student.polsl.pl

Deputy of Chairman
Julia Targosz

E-mail: julitar208@student.polsl.pl

Secretary of the Society
Miłosz Kucharski

E-mail: mk309736@student.polsl.pl

Deputy of Secretary
Hubert Knap

E-mail: hubekna369@student.polsl.pl

Coordinator of Research Section
Maciej Gdala

E-mail: mg301134@student.polsl.pl

Coordinator of Popular Science Section
Filip Wojtas

E-mail: fw301163@student.polsl.pl

Coordinators of General and PR Section

Agnieszka Kicińska

E-mail: agnikic846@student.polsl.pl

Weronika Kołodziej

E-mail: werokol490@student.polsl.pl

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