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On December 7, our helpers St. The St. Nicholas' group, i.e. Piotr Kania, Wiktoria Tomecka, Monika Sadlo, Weronika Kolodziej, Sonia Herman and Zosia Woszczyna, went on a visit to the kindergarten children at St. Nicholas Elementary School No. 6. Władysław Broniewski in Szczejkowice.

Our youngest listeners could get acquainted with the magic of Christmas brought with them by our wheeled elves. Volcanoes, clouds forming from the stock, changing colors under the influence of colorless liquids or shocks brought us all into the mood of the upcoming Christmas. In addition, the preschoolers had the task of preparing magical, colored gluts according to the recipe of Rudolph the Red-nosed, which they could take with them as a souvenir.

Thank you very much for the invitation and we hope that the magic and beauty of Christmas combined with chemistry was given to each of us by our visit 🙂

We invite you to our photo reportage: https://portal.polsl.pl/sknch/fotoreportaze/delegacja_szczejkowice/

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Fundusze Europejskie
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