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MSc Eng. Grzegorz Stando studies at the Joint Doctoral School and conducts research at the Department of Organic, Bioorganic Chemistry and Biotechnology at the Faculty of Chemistry. He is the author and co-author of many publications, and his research focuses mainly on nanomaterials. In the years 2021-2022 Grzegorz completed a research internship at the Faculty of Chemistry at the University of Pittsburgh. During his internship, he worked with Dhruthi Gundurao, an undergraduate student at the University of Pittsburgh, on a joint publication. Grzegorz and Dhruthi were awarded the David Pratt Award for 2023 by the Department of Chemistry at the University of Pittsburgh!

The award is a recognition of Professor David Pratt’s long-standing contribution to the faculty’s teaching and research mission. Recognizes the research excellence of undergraduate teams in which one or more PhD students are mentors to one or more undergraduate students.

The prize is awarded to two selected teams that jointly prepared a scientific publication. The awarding committee takes into account not only the substantive quality of the publication, but also the individual contribution of each team member, their achievements and academic achievements, as well as the applied mentoring techniques.

Congratulations to our PhD student on winning and we wish you even more success!

Internships financed by NAWA (Ivanovska Programme 2019, contract number PPN/IWA/2019/1/00017/UO/00001)

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