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On November 8, 2023, in addition to our delegation in Świętochłowice, our group consisting of Filip Wojtas, Mateusz Zygadło, Weronika Kołodziej, Hubert Knap, Agnieszka Kicińska and Jakub Ćwiertnia participated as exhibitors and representatives of the Faculty of Chemistry, but also the Society at the Open Days of Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice.

At our stand, future students could see experiments with liquid nitrogen or dry ice. In addition, there was also blue in the stock, the locomotive, the chameleon or recently one of our novelties - the Yamada indicator. Every student could of course make their own glutka in our factory 🙂

In addition to us, the Faculty of Chemistry was represented by members of our Student Council, who guided groups around our laboratories, where employees were waiting for them, who presented and talked about the activities and research work of the departments 🙂

We would like to thank everyone who came to our positions, talked, asked questions and took part in the activities prepared by us. For those who were not with us - we invite you to Katowice, Zabrze and Rybnik. We'll be there too!

In the meantime - we invite you to our photo reportage! https://portal.polsl.pl/sknch/fotoreportaze/dni_otwarte_gliwice_2023/

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