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On 20-21 May 2024 in Ustroń the conference “InterTechDoc24” was held. It was already the 9th edition of the conference. It is a highly interdisciplinary meeting where members of the Circle (Eng. Hubert Knap, Anna Tabaszewska and Wiktoria Chromy) could meet people dealing with land transport, mechanics, numerical models, green chemistry, and finally surface engineering. So the exchange of thoughts and experiences was very dynamic and passed through different disciplines.

On the first day we had one lecture session, because the day was more focused on integration, talking and having a good time. The atmosphere was very friendly, one could even say family, so the integration can be considered very successful.


The next day was full of lecture sessions, which, like the previous day, resulted in very interesting presentations and discussions. Also on this day, Eng. Hubert Knap presented his research titled. Development of hybrid oxide layer on the surface of titanium veterinary implants with non-antibiotic drug loaded onto the layer "Polymer Electro-Spun Materials in Efficient Biocatalysis."

The members of the Circle considered the trip to be very successful and hope to get the opportunity to go next year. Right here, Eng. Hubert Knap, Anna Tabaszewska and Wiktoria Chromy would also like to thank PhD Alicji Kazek – Kęsik prof. PŚ, prof PhD Eng. Annie Chrobok, MSc Eng. Annie Wolny for making it possible to attend this conference!

Text: Eng. Hubert Knap oraz Maciej Gdala

photo: private archive Eng. Huberta Knapa, Anny Tabaszewskiej and Wiktorii Chromy

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