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On May 18, the walls of the Faculty of Chemistry visited two schools:

    • III High School name Stefan Batory in Chorzów
    • TEB Education, High School in Gliwice

Students had the opportunity to sighsee the faculty buildings, visit the laboratories and take part in workshops. As part of the classes, young people had the opportunity to:

    • Prepare the sample for PEO and observe the process at the Department of Inorganic, Analytical and Electrochemistry.
    • Learn what Chemical Engineering is and conduct an experience with yeast immobilization at the Department of Chemical and Process Engineering.
    • Prepare cosmetics yourself in the laboratory of the Department of Organic Chemistry and Petrochemistry.

The classes were conducted by employees of the above mentioned faculties, accompanied by students of the Faculty.

"During the guided tour, high school students approached themselves, asked how to study and what the student's life looks like. It could be seen that the students are interested in the subject matter of the classes and willingly participated in the workshops. We hope that as part of this meeting we showed that chemistry does not have to be so boring, but can be an interesting and beautiful field of science" - comments Agnieszka Kicińska, one of the students who guided the guests.

We also invite you to see the photo reporthttps://portal.polsl.pl/sknch/fotoreportaze/licealisci_opanowali_nasz_wydzial/

Thank you for visiting and welcome again!

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Fundusze Europejskie
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