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It was hot today!

On April 26, 2023, in the morning hours, our delegation consisting of: Mateusz Pilszek, Agnieszka Kicińska, Natalia Siodłak and Jakub Ćwiertnia in cooperation with the Student Government of the Faculty of Chemistry of the Silesian University of Technology had the opportunity to visit students of chemistry at the Śląskie Techniczne Zakłady Naukowe in Katowice. Our members presented to future technicians the didactic offer of the Faculty of Chemistry and conducted interesting shows, during which there was a demonstration of fluorescein and rhodamine B under UV light, colored manganese compounds at all oxidation stages and green flame and burning borax (borax does not burn in color, and BO3- in green). But it's not over! Students had the opportunity to make their own colored sediments and dumplings from PVA!

Thank you for the hospitality and commitment of our students!

Reports from the course of the workshop only on our Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sknch.polsl/

And here you will find a photo report: https://portal.polsl.pl/sknch/en/fotoreportaze/chsrsa_delegation/

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Fundusze Europejskie
Fundusze Europejskie
Fundusze Europejskie