Error: Your upload path is not valid or does not exist: /var/www/html/wp-portal/wp-content/uploads/sites/40014 ChSRS on the "Horizons of Science" - Studenckie Koło Naukowe Chemików przy Wydziale Chemicznym
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From 7 to 8 June 2024, the members of the Society Eng. Hubert Knap, Mateusz Pilszek, Miłosz Kucharski and Maciej Gdala had the opportunity to participate in the 15th International Conference "Horizons of Science" organized by the Scientific Circle of Medical and Environmental Chemistry and the Scientific Circle of Chemists of the Jagiellonian University.

During the conference, our members had the opportunity to listen to presentations of conference participants and poster sessions. As part of one of them, Miłosz presented a poster on "Research on the preparation of cerium nitrate (V) intended for the sorption removal of anions from water and wastewater", and Maciek on "Research on obtaining homogeneous, coloured oxide layers as a result of plasma electrolytic oxidation on magnesium and aluminium alloys". After the coffee break, Mateusz presented his research on "Synthesis and characteristics of preparation of polymeric ionic liquids based on siloxanes", and Hubert presented a poster on "Modification of veterinary titanium implants surfaces using the PEO method".

"Participation in the 15th International Conference "Horizons of Science" was a very well spent time scientifically and socially. In addition to interesting presentations and poster sessions, we had the opportunity to exchange a few words with friends from other scientific circles, or to have a nice time at the evening integration. The only noticeable downside was the vote for the best presentation and the best poster, which could have been done much better. Besides, I think the time spent at the conference was as successful as possible and used efficiently. We hope to be invited to the conference again next year :)" - says the participant and President of our Society, Mateusz Pilszek.

Participants would like to thank their moderators for their advice, attention and help with the preparation of posters and speeches. So thank you very much for the invitation and see you next year!

Work done with the participation of students from ChRSR PŚ. The research was financed by the Rector of the Silesian University of Technology under the Project Based Learning programme “Excellence Initiative – Research University” and statutory work 04/010/BK_22/1030; BK-201/RCH1/2022.

Work financed by the National Centre for Research and Development under the LIDER XI programme (project no.: LIDER/30/0116/L-11/19/NCBR/2020; Manager: Maciej Sowa, PhD; grant value: PLN 1 500 000)

This work was supported by the LIDER project “Technology of production of hybrid layers on titanium implants dedicated to animals” number LIDER/12/0048/L-11/19/NCBR/2020.

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