On February 20th 2024 the European Parliament in Brussels hosted the Days of Polish Science within the framework of the European City of Science Katowice 2024.
Representatives of Silesian universities, including Silesian University of Technology, presented their scientific achievements and educational initiatives. There were also two debates:
- Science and education as the main instrument of transformation of regions on the example of Silesia - led by prof. PhD Tomasz Pietrzykowski, Vice-Rector of the University of Silesia in Katowice for International and National Cooperation.
Democracy and Lecture “Greening the carbon heart of Europe”.
On behalf of the Silesian University of Technology, prof. PhD Marek Pawełczyk – Vice-Rector for Science and Development.
- The exhibition "Where The Mountains Are Upside Down And Inside Out" and the film etudes of the students of the Film School were also presented. Krzysztof Kieślowski of the University of Silesia.
The aim of the visit was to promote the ECOC 2024 event and build international partnerships. Participation in the event was an excellent opportunity to present the achievements of Silesian universities and establish contacts with scientists and politicians from all over Europe.
On the occasion of the Polish Science Day within the framework of EMNK 2024 a publication "50 outstanding achievements of Silesian science" was prepared.
The publication presents an overview of scientific research and initiatives in the field of art carried out by Silesian universities over the last 10 years. Achievements of members of our Faculty were also among the honoured ones!
Prof. PhD Eng. Wojciech Simka: Innovative bioactive oxide layers on titanium and its alloys dedicated to medicine and veterinary
As a result of research, a technology for surface treatment of titanium and its alloys through plasma electrolytic oxidation has been developed. This method yields well-adhered, homogeneous and homogeneous oxide layers, which are then enriched with bio-beneficial elements (e.g. phosphorus, calcium). Thanks to PEO-modified implants, faster growth of osteoblasts and fibroblasts and crystallization of hydroxyapatite occurs. This supports the process of osteointegration and permanent adhesion of the implant to the bone, which is extremely important if the modified implant is to remain in the body as long as possible.
The video about implants can be viewed here:

Prof. PhD Eng. Sławomir Boncel: Carbon Nanotubes – Functional Component in Military Camouflage and Textronics for Telemedicine
The result of the research was the development of methods for the production of nanofibers, nanocomposites and nanocomposites with unique properties. Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have unique high thermal and electrical conductivity compared to metals and high mechanical strength. Nanomaterials using CNTs are used as a component for meshes masking equipment or people. In addition, the study of the potential use of CNTs in electronics allowed the creation of isolated conduction paths and the printing of electrodes, which were used on a specially prepared shirt. With this system, both ECG and KTG signals can be recorded, monitored and transmitted.
The video about the ECG T-shirt can be viewed here: https://www.polsl.pl/rch/aktualnosci/43087/od-nanorurki-weglowej-do-koszulki-nano-ekg/?display=4&str=2