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On 06.10.2023 the Solemn Inauguration of the Academic Year 2023/24 took place at the Faculty of Chemistry of the Silesian University of Technology. During the Inauguration we witnessed the solemn pledge of student candidates to become full-fledged students of the Faculty of Chemistry. During the inauguration there was also an inaugural lecture by dr hab. inż. Alicji Kazek – Kęsik, professor of our university, tit. "The Secret Life of Titanium". During the inauguration, the members of Our Society were awarded by the Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Walczak received the Dean’s Award for services in building the image of the Faculty of Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences as an attractive place to develop passion and professional competence, which they obtained as part of their activities in the Chemistry Students Research Society.

The prize was awarded in two stages. The laureates of the first degree are:
- Agnieszka Kicińska
- Hubert Knap
- Natalia Siodłak
- Mateusz Pilszek
- Weronika Kołodziej
- Maciej Gdala

The winners of the second degree were:
- Janusz Pryciuk
- inż. Mateusz Zygadło
- Kacper Gall
- Agata Kołkowska
- Paulina Krzeczek
- Patryk Szpitalny
- Magdalena Radwan
- Klaudia Szatan
- Filip Wojtas
- Jakub Ćwiertnia

After the ceremonial part of the inauguration, our members also had the opportunity to briefly present the activities of the Society, in which direction we can develop and talk about student life in the Society. After the inauguration, many first-year students decided to join our Community which makes us very happy!

From this point we would also like to thank our supervisors, PhD Maciej Sowie and MSc Eng. Annie Byczek – Wyrostek  for support, guidance and enabling us to do our activities so that our Society awakens after a pandemic nap and is alive again within the framework of research activities but not only.

ChSRS would also like to thank the Authorities of the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Warsaw: Krzysztof Walczak, Vice-Dean for Education dr. hab. inż. Katarzyna Jaszcz, Professor of the Faculty of Medicine and the Vice-Dean for General Affairs, dr hab. To Janusz Wójcik, Professor of PŚ for financial and institutional support in our activities.

Without these people we would not be where we are now!

Come to see our photos https://portal.polsl.pl/sknch/fotoreportaze/inauguracja_rch_2023-24/

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