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Author: System Published at: 22.05.2020 Last update: 05.03.2021

Grants and scholarships in pro-quality programs to support scientific development in 2020

Rector of the Silesian University of Technology Professor Arkadiusz Mężyk, as part of supporting the scientific development of employees, doctoral students and students of our University, awarded pro-quality grants and scholarships from his own scholarship fund on the basis of the applications considered so far.

The pro-quality programmes introduced by the authorities of the Silesian University of Technology are an element of the University's development strategy, and their aim is to reward the current results of work while supporting further progressive scientific activities. Pro-quality programmes are financed under the "Excellence Initiative - Research University", from the Own Scholarship Fund, as well as from the University's own funds.

In 2020, the Rector awarded grants:

and scholarships financed from our own scholarship fund in 2020:


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