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Author: System Published at: 25.01.2021 Last update: 05.03.2021

Additional funds for the projects of Student Scientific Associations

It is the third time that students can apply for funding for projects carried out within student research clubs. The application deadline is February 15, 2021.

The procedure for submitting the required documentation and then handling the applications will be carried out via electronic communication tools (e-mail Center for Study Service - rd1@polsl.pl and Platforma Remote Education).

The competition is organized as part of the project "Including students in scientific research through research clubs and project-oriented teaching", in connection with the participation of the Silesian University of Technology in the "Initiative of Excellence - Research University" program (contract No. 08 / IDUB / 2019/84 of 16 December 2019).
The aim of the competition is to activate the student community in the area of ​​scientific research, including the search for solutions to fight the SARS-CoV-2 virus pandemic.
Pierwsza publikacja: 25 stycznia 2021 10:34 autor: Dominika Gnacek

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