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Projekt międzynarodowy, współfinansowany nr W66/HE/2022

Project title (task name): Non-standard methods for data and image processing – from nonlinear optics to quantum computing (acronym: OptiQ) ID: 564819, carried out under the Horizon Europe program under contract No. 101080374 with the European Commission represented by the European Research Executive Agency (REA).

Project (task) subsidized from the state budget by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education under the program: International projects, co-financed.

Co-financing: PLN 1,353,105.00

Total value: PLN 1,503,451.00

Project Description

The main goals of the OptiQ project are: to go beyond the current state-of-the-art applications of quantum optics phenomena in quantum communication and computing, particularly in quantum image processing.

The global research goals are:

1) a quantum optics-based protocol for image processing to be developed and implemented as a proof-of-concept (TRL3) experiment,

2)A game to test the breaking of Bell’s inequality with real users – validation as an experimental proof-of-concept (TRL3).

3)Representation of images in quantum optics – validation as experimental proof-of-concept (TRL3).

The global innovation goals are:

1) Augmented reality-based tool for design, visualization and simulation of optical quantum systems – demonstration of a prototype under near-real conditions (TRL6),

2) Detection and recognition of objects from images on a real NISQ (Noisy, Intermediate Scale Quantum computer) – demonstration of a prototype under near real conditions (TRL6).

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Fundusze Europejskie
Fundusze Europejskie
Fundusze Europejskie
Fundusze Europejskie