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Grants and scholarships in pro-quality programs - 2020 summary
• grants for increasing the ability to obtain international projects
• grants related to employing an employee in a research position financed from external sources
• grants for publications in TOP1, TOP10 journals, "Nature" or "Science" journals and for monographs in highly scored publications, under the Excellence Intitative - Research University programme
• grants for funding break-through research under the Excellence Initiative - Research University programme
• grants to start scientific activity in a new research topic under the Excellence Initiative - Research University programme
• grants for at least 3-month internships in leading foreign research centres under the Excellence Initiative - Research University programme
• grants for proofreading of highly scored publications or patent applications
• rector's habilitation grants
• rector's professor grants
• rector's grants for highly scored publications or granted patents
• grants for foreign doctoral students under the Excellence Initiative - Research University programme
• benefits for the best doctoral students under the Excellence Initiative - Research University programme
• scholarships for publications issued in cooperation with an author representing a foreign research centre or a non-academic partner, as part of the Initiative of Excellence - Research University programme
• scholarships for teams implementing projects under the Horizon 2020 or Horizon Europe program under the Excellence Initiative - Research University programme
• scholarships for the best students of the Silesian University of Technology from countries outside the European Union under the Excellence Initiative - Research University programme
• mentoring scholarships - "Spread your wings" mentoring program implemented under the Excellence Initiative - Research University programme
• co-financing of student research club projects under the Excellence Initiative - Research University programme
• co-financing of projects - project-oriented education - PBL, as part of the Excellence Initiative - Research University programme
and made a decision oo employment as a result of competitions
• outstanding young scientists from Poland or abroad in the subject of priority research areas, under the Excellence Initiative - Research University programme
• outstanding prominent researchers from Poland or abroad in the subject of priority research areas, under the Excellence Initiative - Research University programme
In 2020, the Rector also awarded task allowances as part of pro-quality programs promoting commitment and contribution to the development of the University in 2019.
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