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Author: System Published at: 29.01.2021 Last update: 07.03.2021

New programmes - hiring and inviting outstanding scientists. Everyone can help find the right candidates!

The second edition of the programme related to inviting outstanding experienced and outstanding young scientists to the University was launched. 

As part of the Excellence Initiative - Research University (IDUB) programme, the Silesian University of Technology continues its work on strengthening the scientific staff by employing outstanding experienced and outstanding young scientists, in particular, from abroad, who can create and lead research teams, submit an application for funding within a year project in the Horizon programme, as well as publications for the prestigious journals. 

The updated competition announcements in the second edition of the programme, in Polish and English, were published on the University's website: 

IDUB announcement for the position of the Associate Professor 

IDUB announcement for the position of the Assistant Professor

and on the website of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and on the international portal for researchers in motion, EURAXESS. In order to popularise the attached advertisements, we encourage the employees of the Silesian University of Technology to make them available to scientists who meet the criteria set out in the above announcements. These criteria are demanding, but the opportunities offered by the University are significant and competitive comparing to leading foreign universities. 

Potential candidates should first of all pay attention to the package of pro-quality programmes of the Silesian University of Technology, especially if they demonstrate achievements comparable to those required in the competition criteria during their work at the University. The possibility of providing a significant part of the work from their place of permanent residence may also be important in recruiting outstanding scientists. As a result of the first edition of competitions, four candidates were offered employment. 

As part of the IDUB programme, the Silesian University of Technology also intends to invite exceptional people for longer or shorter, even several days' stays - in particular, Nobel Prize winners, Fields medallists, Kyoto Prize, Mies van der Rohe awards, people currently implementing ERC grants or having the status of Highly Cited Researchers, as well as working scientifically at the best foreign universities (especially those ranked in the first 20 places in the ARWU, QS or THE rankings).

Their presence will allow them to get to know the university research teams, scientists, infrastructure and technology. In many cases, it may result in establishing effective cooperation with their centres and translate into a dynamic increase of scientific output of the employees of the Silesian University of Technology and participation in international projects.  

This programme is financially supported by the Metropolis GZM (https://metropoliagzm.pl/fundusz-wspierania-nauki/). 

We expect our guests to deliver at least two lectures (at least 1.5 hours), conduct a seminar with PhD students and/or classes with students, get acquainted with our laboratories related to at least the broadly understood research subject of the invited scientist. Due to the ongoing epidemiological situation, it is possible to carry out these activities remotely. Employees who have contact with such people and could support the official invitation from the University, please provide information to the Development Office. We are already expecting the first guest speakers in the first half of 2021.


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