
from 18-11-2024
from 10:30
to 19-11-2024
to 17:30
Author: Anna Orłowska Published at: 06.11.2024 Last update: 06.11.2024

The 4th Progress Review Conference for universities participating in the „Excellence Initiative - Research University"

The 4th Progress Review Conference for universities participating in the „Excellence Initiative - Research University" programme will be held on 18-19 November in the Education and Congress Centre od the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice.

The event is organised by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in cooperation with the Silesian University of Technology (SUT), with the support of foreign experts who assessed the applications in the „Excellence Initiative – Research University” (IDUB) competition and conducted a mid-term evaluation of the progress in implementing the universities' development plans. In addition to the institutions that took part in the first IDUB competition, this year's event will also be open to universities that are eligible to take part in the second edition of the competition.

The themes of the conference will focus on discussing the results of the implementation of the development plans devised by the universities, with particular emphasis on key achievements in the areas of internationalisation, working culture, attracting top research talents and integrating potential in collaboration with other institutions. Furthermore, issues related to the 2023 mid-term evaluation of the projects implemented under the IDUB programme will also be addressed.

This year's conference will be enhanced by a workshops session aimed at both the beneficiaries of the IDUB programme and the universities eligible to participate in the second call, following the results of the first evaluation of the quality of scientific research for 2017-2021.

The conference language will be English with simultaneous translation into Polish. The event will be held in a hybrid format. To participate, electronic registration is required, while in-person attendance is by invitation only, extended by the Ministry.

For more information on the 4th Reporting Conference, please visit the event website:


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