
from 23-10-2024
from 09:00
to 25-10-2024
to 15:30
Author: Anna Orłowska Published at: 21.10.2024 Last update: 21.10.2024

International Congress on Education Quality

From 23rd to 25th October 2024, the International Congress on the Quality of Education will be held, organized by 7 public universities in the European City of Science Katowice 2024. The event brings together people interested in issues related to quality assurance systems of education, quality monitoring, accreditation, internationalization of education, development of didactic competences and remote education.

For the third time in Katowice, the International Congress on Education Quality (ICEQ) will take place. This year, the topics of the Congress will focus mainly on the quality of education in the international dimension. Individual events will be devoted to specific aspects of education, including good practices in the field of internationalization of education, the effects of international educational projects, didactic innovations successfully implemented by Polish and foreign universities, ideas of European Universities, double diplomas, European diplomas, student, and employee mobility. Employees of the Silesian University of Technology will take an active part in meetings and discussion panels organized as part of the Congress.

Most events will be open to the public, some of them require registration. We encourage employees of the Silesian University of Technology to participate after completing the application form on the Congress website:

On the first day of the Congress on the 23rd of October 2024, various activities will be organized at the partner universities of the European City of Science. At the Silesian University of Technology there will be a ceremonial meeting of the Education Council and the Education Quality Assurance System Council of the Silesian University of Technology in the Senate hall, after which from 10.30, a poster session of projects executed by the Project Based Learning method implemented at the Silesian University of Technology will be held. The poster session will be located in the hall of the Faculty of Mining, Security Engineering, and Industrial Automation. At the same time, the Faculty of Materials Engineering and Transport of the Silesian University of Technology will host a presentation of student research and science clubs of the Silesian University of Technology.

On the second day of the Congress on October 24th , 2024, there will be a ceremonial inauguration at the Silesian Museum in Katowice and a number of meetings concerning educational challenges. It is worth emphasizing that on this day the Silesian University of Technology will be conducting a discussion panel: “Students as young scientists – education through participation in scientific projects.”

On the third day - October 25th, 2024, the events related to mobility will be held at the University of Silesia.

The detailed program of the Congress can be found at:

The organizers of the International Congress on Education Quality are universities that are part of the Academic Consortium-Katowice City of Science.


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