
from 09-09-2024
from 09:00
to 15-09-2024
to 23:55
Author: Anna Orłowska Published at: 12.09.2024 Last update: 12.09.2024

Katowice Week

Katowice is the first city in Central and Eastern Europe to receive the title of the City of Science. Thanks to the hard work of residents and people living in the city, effectively supported by local authorities, Katowice has been changing its image for years. One of the elements of this development is science. That is why during the Katowice Week, we particularly look at science: In sports, everyday life, in emergency situations or on the road. There will also be attractive and surprising micro trips and walks around the city.

Katowice Week will start with the first Scientific Conference of the best scientists in the world - Top 2%. In this honourable group there are many scientists from Katowice universities. More importantly, more than forty people accepted the invitation and will give presentations.

The event will take place in the Silesian University of Technology building at 8, Krasińskiego Street

On Tuesday, another conference will be held. This time international and well-established – XX Conference on Scientific and Technical Transport Systems Theory and Practice, which will also be held at the Silesian University of Technology. As part of Katowice Week, at the Faculty of Transport and Aviation Engineering of the Silesian University of Technology visitors will also be able to see traffic simulators.

The full schedule of Katowice Week events is available at:


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