
from 19-08-2024
from 10:00
to 25-08-2024
to 12:00
Author: Anna Orłowska Published at: 08.08.2024 Last update: 09.08.2024

Eco Week

We invite you to Eco Week at the Silesian University of Technology. The event is carried out as part of the European City of Science Katowice 2024 From August 19 to 25, we will introduce you to issues related to ecology and sustainable development.

Eco or ecological, or what exactly? We will try to answer this question during Eco Week in the City of Science. We will tell you exactly what we breathe and what floats in the water we drink. We will invite you to workshops on creating eco-toys, we will tell you how much you can earn from recycling, and we will also check whether music can be ecological?

It sounds surprising and the whole week will be full of attractive events. There will be trips to nature, meetings with outstanding artists in the Eco Reading Room and a film about the eco-twisted Simona Kossak.

The coordinator of the Eco Week is Dr Hab. Eng. Ewa Brągoszewska, prof. SUT, and the producer: M.Sc. Eng. Ewa Głuszek from the Silesian University of Technology.

The program includes, among others: workshops, meetings and popular science lectures that show the diversity and multi-aspect nature of ecological issues in virtually every discipline of life.

- During these days we will focus on issues related to environmental protection, taking a closer look at recycling and upcycling processes. We will learn what innovative methods allow us to transform waste into modern products, in line with the ideal of a circular economy - announce the organizers.

Eco Week is not only about transmitting knowledge, but also inspiring people to take action for our planet. This is a time when everyone can discover that ecology is not an obligation, but an exciting journey through the world of innovation and opportunities that a sustainable lifestyle brings.

Activity suggestions:

  1. “Hasiomaszkietnik" workshops - laboratory workshops for children, teenagers and adults. Participants will learn how scientists transform waste into valuable resources and see how innovative approaches contribute to sustainable development;
  2. Workshops - plant-based cuisine "Zero Waste" - workshops for children, teenagers and adults on responsible consumption, minimizing food waste and introducing sustainable habits in your kitchen;
  3. Workshops – “Everything works!”  Workshops for children about what recycling, instruments, surroundings and music have in common!
  4. EkoBand workshops - "Reclaimed Music" - workshops for children, during which participants will have a unique opportunity to play in the Reclaimed Orchestra;
  5. Workshops - "Natural cosmetics and personal hygiene products" - workshops for teenagers and adults, during which you will be able to prepare cream deodorant, toothpaste and bath bombs;
  6. Workshops - "We Create Eco-Toys" - workshops for children, where participants will have the opportunity to create their own, unique toys from recycled materials, such as cardboard, plastic bottles, fabrics or old buttons;
  7. Workshops - "Precious Plastic" - workshops for youth and adults, during which participants will have the opportunity to learn more about the activities of the international Precious Plastic initiative, which has been effectively working to reduce plastic waste for years;
  8. Workshops - "Eko-creative" - workshops for children and teenagers, during which participants will have the opportunity to develop their artistic passions by creating unique collages, notebooks and sketchbooks using seemingly unnecessary scraps of materials and newspapers;
  9. EkoSEANS for young people and adults at the KOSMOS cinema in Katowice - presentation of the film "SIMONA" - dedicated to an extraordinary figure in the world of ecology and nature protection - Simona Kossak;
  10. Eco-READING ROOM – meetings with Wojciech Jagielski ("Prayer for Rain") and Jacek Hugo-Bader ("Among the Weeds");
  11. EcoWALKS for children, teenagers and adults;
  12. A series of popular science lectures - during which you will be able to learn, among others, how producers use slogans about ecology to increase consumption, or how bees, by pollinating plants, support food production.

A detailed schedule of events is available at:


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