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The official opening ceremony of the European Institute of Yanshan University
On November 14th, 2022, the European Institute of the Yanshan University will inaugurate its activity at the Silesian University of Technology. Sixty-one students from China have already started their studies there.
The European Institute of Yanshan University was established in February 2021 by the Silesian University of Technology and Yanshan University from China. The aim of the Institute is to educate Polish, Chinese and foreign students together according to high-quality educational standards, in a competitive and demanding environment.
As part of the agreement, joint curricula were agreed. Students who complete their education at the European Institute of the Yanshan University will receive a graduation certificate and a bachelor's diploma from Yanshan University and an engineering diploma from the Silesian University of Technology.
Tuition for students recruited in China is to last 4 years and will be carried out in the "1 + 3" scheme. This means that for the first two semesters, classes are conducted at Yanshan University, and for the next three years - at the Silesian University of Technology.
As part of the first recruitment for engineering studies at the European Institute of Yanshan University, 61 Chinese students studying at four faculties were recruited: Electrical, Mechanical, Technological, Chemical as well as Automatics, Electronics and Computer Science.
The European Institute of Yanshan University currently offers 5 English-language study programs: “Mechanical Design, Manufacturing and Automation", "Electrical Engineering and Automation", "Automation", "Electrical Science and Technology" and "Chemical Engineering and Technology".
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