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from 23-11-2022
from 10:00
to 23-11-2022
to 13:00
Author: Anna Orłowska Published at: 03.11.2022 Last update: 03.11.2022
Open Day of the Institute of Physics
The Institute of Physics Open Day will take place on November 23rd , 2022. The organizers invite secondary school students and teachers.
Are you thinking about studying technical physics at the Silesian University of Technology? Come on November 23rd for the Open Day of the Institute of Physics. The program includes numerous events:
- popular science lecture
- presentation of the education offer
- demonstrations and physical experiments
- meetings with students and lecturers
- presentation of scientific circles
- meetings with our partner companies
- visiting laboratories and rooms of the Institute of Physics
The organizers are waiting at the Centre of New Technologies at 22B, Konarskiego Street, from 10.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. Groups interested in participating in the event, please contact: . More info on the website: Silesian University of Technology | News (

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