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from 30-06-2022
from 16:00
to 30-06-2022
to 17:00
Author: Anna Orłowska Published at: 30.06.2022 Last update: 30.06.2022
POB1 Young Researchers' Forum
The next Young Researchers Forum meeting will be held on 30 June at 4 p.m., with speakers from the Joint Doctoral School.
The event will be held within the framework of Priority Research Area 1 - Computational Oncology and Personalised Medicine. The organisers have scheduled two presentations:
- 4:00 p.m. - Jarosław Gil, M.Sc., PhD project topic "Development of computational tools and mathematical models for reaction-convection-diffusion systems
- 4:45 p.m. - Tomasz Strzoda, M.Sc., the topic of the PhD project "Processing, mapping and analysis of long read sequencing data".
The seminar will be held in remote mode. The link to participate can be found here.
The organisers invite you to take part and have an active discussion.

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