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Presentation of the Virtual Flying Lab
During the presentation, students will be familiarized with the equipment located in the Virtual Flying Laboratory, the Virtual Flying Society and the offer of the Faculty of AEiI on educational opportunities in the field of computer science. The recipients of the event are students from ZSTiZ in Swietochlowice.
The presentation will be held at the Faculty of Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science of Silesian University of Technology in the Virtual Flying Laboratory.
Contact person:
Dariusz Myszor, PhD
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EURECA-PRO Week at the Silesian University of Technology!
The Silesian University of Technology, as one of the EURECA-PRO consortium partners, invites you from 4 to 8 October 2021 to meetings and workshops dedicated to the European University, as well as to the cooperation of the academic community with the consortium and the socio-economic environment.