Start - Events

from 17-11-2021
from 09:30
to 17-11-2021
to 11:00
Author: Anna Orłowska Published at: 15.11.2021 Last update: 15.11.2021
"To see the invisible" - activities promoting science for early school children
On 17 November this year there will be held classes popularizing science for early school children "To see the invisible" in Primary School No. 15 in Ruda Śląska.
The main topic will be the phenomenon of luminescence and bioluminescence. Recipients of the event will be students of grade 1. During the class, students will make observations and perform experiments related to the glowing of solutions.
The organizer of the classes is the Department of Environmental Biotechnology of the Silesian University of Technology.
Contact person:
Joanna Kalka, Ph.

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