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University-wide e-discussion panel Project Based Learning
On November 17, 2021 at 14:00 via messenger there will be an all-university PBL discussion e-panel organized within the framework of the VIII edition of the competition for "Individual Programmes of Studies realized as Project Based Learning" in the framework of the project "Silesian University of Technology as a Centre of Modern Education based on Research and Innovation", which is co-financed from EU funds under the European Social Fund.
Link to the meeting: (meeting ID: 924 9242 8259).
The panel will present basic information about the competition and the topics of PBL projects submitted to the 8th edition of the competition, which will cover the summer semester of the academic year 2021/2022. Projects in this edition will be carried out by undergraduate and graduate students under the guidance of a main supervisor and two assistant supervisors.
A total of 57 topics have been submitted for this edition of the competition, on the basis of which the PBL_VIII Edition Project Topics Submission Guide has been edited, which I am sending enclosed. It is also available for both staff and students on the Remote Education Platform at (courses: Information for staff, Information for students).

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