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Conference "Human friendly technology - the beauty of machines and their role for man in the 4th industrial revolution"
We invite you to participate in the thematic conference Human Friendly Technology - The beauty of machines and their role for man in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
The conference is devoted to sub-areas:
- Sub-area 9: Socio-cultural and methodological challenges of Industry 4.0 - coordinator: Prof. Małgorzata Dobrowolska,
- Sub-area 10: Design and engineering (mechanical and plant engineering, architectural design, industrial design) - coordinator: Prof. Marek Wyleżoł,
Link to the conference (using zoom platform)
Meeting ID: 819 7746 9735
Passcode: 996612
Agenda of the conference:
15.00-15.15 welcome
15.15-15.45 International guest speaker: Prof. Armin Grunwald, Towards an increasingly automated society - where does the "human factor" remain? Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) (25 minutes + 5 minutes of comments)
15.45-16.45 Speech by Expert Practitioner: Marcin Bruszewski, MA, Tomasz Pilewicz, PhD, The beauty of machines and their role for humans in the 4th industrial revolution, Philips Polska Sp. z o.o. (45 minutes + 15 minutes questions, discussion, comments)
16.45 - 18.45 Speeches in the scientific session
I. Man - machine
16.45 - 17.00 Prof. Andrzej Kiepas "Should robots be social?" Institute for Research on Education and Communication, Silesian University of Technology
17.00-17.15 mgr Eryka Probierz, dr hab. Adam Gałuszka, prof. PŚ "How does anger and sadness sound? - emotion recognition by social robots based on conversation", Faculty of Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science, Department of Automatic Control and Robotics
17.15-17.30 dr hab. Małgorzata Dobrowolska, prof. PŚ "Analysis of functioning of an industrial worker of the future - results of a comparative analysis of 27 countries", International Centre for Interdisciplinary Research, Silesian University of Technology
II. Beauty of machines
17.30-17.45 MA Katarzyna, Wojciech Sokołowscy "Design - harmony of function and form" SOKKA Gliwice
17.45-18.00 dr Dominika Głąb "Because engineering and design", Product Design Studio, Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw
III. Technology - Society - Management
18.00-18.15 Prof. Jan Kaźmierczak "Anthropotechnical systems: beautiful machines and beautiful machine users".
18.15-18.30 Prof. Dr. Jan Brzóska, Prof. Dr. Lilla Knop, Prof. PŚ, Dr. Sławomir Olko "Business models in Industry 4.0"
18.30-18.45 dr hab. inż. Anna Michna, prof. PŚ "Barriers for implementing Industry 4.0 solutions in small and medium-sized enterprises"
18.45-19.00 dr hab. Aleksandra Kuzior, prof. PŚ "The problem of technological unemployment in view of the development of Industry 4.0"

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