
from 12-05-2021
from 14:00
to 12-05-2021
to 16:00
Author: Anna Orłowska Published at: 06.05.2021 Last update: 06.05.2021

The 5th internal Priority Research Area 4: smart cities and the mobility of the future conference

The development of road and off-road transport, modern aircraft structures or new air navigation and rail traffic control systems - these are just some of the issues that will be discussed during the 5th POB4 internal conference.

A meeting on Priority Research Area 4: smart cities and the mobility of the future will take place on Wednesday, May 12 at 2 p.m. The conference is aimed at people who research this field. Its goal is to integrate the academic community related to the POB4 area and support in the construction of interdisciplinary research teams, important e.g. under the Horizon Europe.

Among the topics of the conference, the following issues will be discussed: development of road and off-road means of transport, autonomous transport systems, improvement of traffic safety, modern aircraft structures, new air navigation and rail traffic control systems, and safety systems of means of transport.

To participate in the internal conference, please send your application to In response to the message, the participant will receive a link and login details for the Zoom platform. Applications for participation in the event will be accepted until May 10.

Detailed information on the event and the application form are available at: 


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Open Day of the Institute of Physics

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Online Open Days 2021 at the Silesian University of Technology

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Thematic conference within POB5

Thematic conference within POB5

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14 from 67

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