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Author: Tomasz Haptas Published at: 13.08.2020 Last update: 04.02.2021

The statute of the Silesian University of Technology was adopted

Due to the epidemic situation, education of students, doctoral students and participants of postgraduate studies and other forms of education will be conducted only with the use of distance education methods and techniques.

Due to the epidemic situation, education of students, doctoral students and participants of postgraduate studies and other forms of education will be conducted only with the use of distance education methods and techniques.

Due to the epidemic situation, education of students, doctoral students and participants of postgraduate studies and other forms of education will be conducted only with the use of distance education methods and techniques.

Due to the epidemic situation, education of students, doctoral students and participants of postgraduate studies and other forms of education will be conducted only with the use of distance education methods and techniques.

Due to the epidemic situation, education of students, doctoral students and participants of postgraduate studies and other forms of education will be conducted only with the use of distance education methods and techniques.



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„E-Politechnika Śląska - utworzenie platformy elektronicznych usług publicznych Politechniki Śląskiej”

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Fundusze Europejskie
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