Error: Your upload path is not valid or does not exist: /var/www/html/wp-portal/wp-content/uploads Silesian University of Technology | e-Application


Electronic download of the form for a given case - the service recipient fills in the form and signs it with a trusted profile - after approval of the appropriate cell, consent / decision signed with a trusted profile of the Silesian University of Technology is forwarded electronically to the recipient.

The process covers the following matters:

  • application for disclosure of public information,
  • application for providing statistical data to public institutions,
  • application for admission of a student as part of a transfer from another university,
  • application for resumption of studies after removal,
  • application for a change of the faculty / study profile / form and field of study,
  • application for leave (student),
  • application for individual organization of studies,
  • application for an exam before an examination board,
  • resignation from studies,
  • application for a graduate certificate of completed studies,
  • an application for issuing a graduate a duplicate of the diploma,
  • application for recognition of learning outcomes to an external person.

© Silesian University of Technology

General information clause on the processing of personal data by the Silesian University of Technology

The authors - the organizational units in which the information materials were produced, are fully responsible for the correctness, up-to-date and legal compliance with the provisions of the law. Hosted by: IT Center of the Silesian University of Technology ()

Data availability statement

„E-Politechnika Śląska - utworzenie platformy elektronicznych usług publicznych Politechniki Śląskiej”

Fundusze Europejskie
Fundusze Europejskie
Fundusze Europejskie
Fundusze Europejskie